
Plant Makeup



Every organic thing is planted for the future. But for a plant to reach the future, it must grow in two opposite directions at the same time. As the roots grow downward into the dark, into the depths, the plant’s limbs reach for the light and grow upward. Birth and rootedness take place in cave-dark spaces, from which grow the upward, outward expression. No darkness, no light. No dirt, no daybreak. No past, no future.
Leonard Sweet, The Well-Played Life


13548822_10157039993540207_631272823_o13569882_10157039994060207_1517906864_oMore and more the woods have been whispering my name softly; beckoning me to make a peaceful surrender. As I face yet again a very transitional time in my life, I can’t help but feel emotionally imbalanced and in a constant state of rumination around meeting my basic survival needs. When I get in this thought spiral it takes away my ability to connect with others and feel the love that is around me. One of the ways I’ve been trying to balance my root chakra and connect with the Earth has been to interact with plants, specifically flowers. I’ve been using herbal remedies to aid with my anxiety and I’ve also found ways to incorporate them into my beauty routine.

I recently learned about an amazing line called, “Plant Makeup” that is 100% plant-based. All the products are homemade by this amazing girl named Jes, and all the ingredients are local or organic + sustainably sourced. 13523925_10157039989285207_969952079_o13523922_10157039993455207_509626183_oJes graciously gifted us the Spring/Summer 2016 Collection and I have to say both my outer and inner person has been really digging it! I love the way the products feel on my skin and inside I feel a strong bond with nature. Finally a makeup company that promotes natural beauty and supports a healthy relationship + respect for nature. It just goes to show you that fashion and living a mindful lifestyle can go hand-in-hand. 13517749_10157039989510207_1582975423_o13556098_10157039994860207_178024861_o13549128_10157039991945207_2018738747_o13523892_10157039992375207_541843491_oPhotography by Chelsea Blood



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1 Comment

  • Reply
    October 23, 2016 at 3:01 pm

    That’s a posting full of ingshit!

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