Beauty Style Wellness

Kelly Rich The Fashionable Psychic Medium: Exploring Self-Expression Through Style

It was on Instagram that I first stumbled across Kelly Rich and what immediately drew me to her was her pronounced sense of style and aesthetic. As a creative, I was keenly aware of how well she curated her social feed to be made up of beautiful feminine imagery including a cohesive color palette of soft pinks and grounding blues. However, if you look closer, her images themselves are not what was most beautiful; it’s the content of the message behind them. 

Kelly is on every level a healer and a profound one at that. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know her both professionally and personally over this past year and it is with great excitement that I feature her on the blog. I’m hoping her story will encourage you, just as it did for me, to show up more boldly and unapologetically. So often we make the mistake of dimming our light to make others around us feel less threatened and that is more detrimental than you can imagine. We each have unique gifts and when we show up fully we not only have the ability to thrive, but we authentically inspire others around us to do the same. 

Studies have shown that how we dress impacts how we see ourselves and ultimately how we feel inside. There’s much to consider when deciding what to wear – not only does fit and silhouette matter, but also what the look of the piece symbolizes and how we relate to it. That is not to say though that you have to be confined to one style. Often, we may associate certain looks with personalities and traits, but the beauty of personal style is the gift of self-expression. When pulling together this creative shoot, I had asked Kelly to wear what she would wear in her profession, but also what she feels altogether confident in. For her, especially you may think that spirituality and fashion do not mix, but let’s not confuse personal style with materialism. You can most certainly be a conscious individual and still love shopping.

Clothing, as with makeup, can be the armor we put on each day to enhance our confidence and also improve our lived experience. Something I like to remind clients is that colors not only offer visual cues with dressing but that they can help support your inner soul work. For instance, pink can help you balance your heart chakra. A bold pink like the Lily Pulitzer dress Kelly is wearing is more playful and bold, yet still has the ability to tap into your divine feminine. Keep reading to learn what it is Kelly does as a psychic medium and how she utilizes personal style to build her self-confidence…

How would you describe your personal style? 

Comfortable and feminine chic.

Where do you like to shop?

I love to shop for Free People, spell and the gypsy, Anthropologie, Tuckernuck and the occasional Nordstrom pieces. When I’m traveling I love to walk the streets and browse the boutiques and consignment stores for hidden gems. Brands that are conscious of their energy use and supporting the earth is something that I have been focusing on more recently.

What are your go-to wardrobe pieces?

Some of my go-to wardrobe pieces have to be a really great purse (right now I’m alternating between a white, woven circular bag from Anthro and a pink Tory Burch) and a wide-brimmed hat. Seasonal staples are definitely a colorful kimono in the spring, a Dudley Stevens cobble hill pullover in the colder months, and a cute, yet comfortable dress in the summer (right now my low-key obsession is a white, flowy dress with great details from Free People). Who am I kidding, I will wear a dress anytime, any day.  

How would you describe what it feels like to be truly confident? What does this look like for you specifically? 

For me, when I feel the most confidence, I stand tall, am aware of my light, let my aura expand and am comfortable in my body no matter what it does or doesn’t look like, I freely speak my heart and worry less about what others think of me. To sum it all up, to be truly confident is to be situated in my light and simultaneously unafraid to share it with the world.  

Can you describe what you do for work? 

I help people all over the world to connect with their soul and find clarity and guidance. Some people call me a Psychic Medium, others have called me a Healer, Channeler or a Dancer Between Dimensions. Lately, I am trying to spend less time using labels to describe my work and softening into the love I have for teaching as it is my passion, and all-in-all no matter what label I use – on some level, I am always teaching no matter what service or offering I am presenting to the world. Currently, I offer intuitive readings, intuitive mentorships, business mentorships and lead many trainings, events, and retreats throughout the year. 

Would you say that you dress differently for work than you do day-to-day? Does how you dress impact the work that you do? If so, how?

I typically dress for how I feel. I will often wear what I wore to work to a dinner out in town – I may just add a lip color or a shoe as I often am barefoot while working from home. However, there is always the occasional date night or girl’s night/day where I am feeling spicy and want to dress up or go outside my norm, so I’ll do that. 

I do feel how I dress impacts how I show up in the world as it is a form of self-expression for me. However, I am also aware that what I wear doesn’t define me or my work. I see how I arrange my office, what I wear, how I take care of myself, and even my appearance, as a sign and message of respect for you, my client or student. I will never forget the learning experience I had with a healer (me as the client) and learned the value and importance of having a clear, calming, and comfortable atmosphere for healing sessions and work. 

I create my space and wear what I wear first for me. If I love my environment and what I am wearing (no matter what it is), you will inescapably feel the energy of love and we know how love is the most powerful healer of all. I help many business owners rewire their thinking and processing systems to create a business and physical space that they love because that energy will only pour into every other aspect of the business. My tip: worry less about creating a space or putting on clothes for your clients or customers and focus on how YOU feel with them. Your clients will feel the magic there, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

As a healer, how have you observed the wellness industry view fashion? Do you relate to this or what are your thoughts? 

From being the observer that I am, I have noticed and heard many different views on fashion from people in the wellness industry. There are some that feel similarly as I do, and others that have felt that it is a waste of time or egotistical to care about what you wear. I respect all views, however they no longer sway my joys with fashion. I do what feels good, wear what feels good and love to shop. To not follow what brings me joy or to avoid what makes me feel good is the opposite of “wellness” or “health” if you ask me. I work with many people all over the world who spend a lifetime avoiding the things that bring them joy and ultimately coming to me when they are physically ill. I believe the world would be a healthier place if we all followed our joy because our joy will often lead, or inch us to our purpose and it’s rare to find a miserable, disease stricken person living a joyful life.


When working with clients, what are you noticing are the key causes that people do not feel confident or view themselves in a higher light? What advice do you give people to develop more self-confidence and self-worth?

Often, they are listening to other people, and have adopted outdated patterns, limiting beliefs, or habits that were fed to them by either the people that brought them up or the people they surround themselves with. My advice is to get to know yourself, really know yourself because you can’t soften into your essence, which is where you’ll often find true confidence until you know who you are, what you stand for, and what your truth is. When you know yourself, you know your truth and when you know your truth, it’s much easier to live authentically instead of living how other people want you to or mimicking someone else’s life, or playing out generational wounds. You may find that as you do this work, more lessons around your power, confidence, and self-worth show up, that is how you know you are unraveling something. Don’t give up, keep going and ask for help when you need it. Lastly, take good care of yourself! Pay attention and nurture all layers of your being: physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually. Love your self-care and your self-worth and confidence will surely rise. 

For more information on Kelly and her work be sure to visit her website and check out her social media!

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